Doha Bank
Doha, Quatar [多哈银行 | 卡塔尔,多哈]
More and more banks gets retail functions i.e. selling houses, point systems to purchase consumer goods, were as many retailers now offers bank service such as financing and paying bills!
In search of a new concept for their retails branches this proposal lead them on the way. Admitting that most bank business is now done by internet and mobile banking, Doha Bank branches had to be re-think. With increased retail function it was a question of turning the branch' design language into marketing units and make the rare customer visit into a memorable experience.
This is the interior design concept and directions Claus came up with, working for RKD Retail/IQ who was appointed this great opportunity.
Design studio RKD Retail/IQ, project carried out by Claus Boman with colleagues during employment as design team leader.
Responsibility for Claus Boman:
Creating main interior design, concept directions and visual presentation.