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CP signage

CP signage

CP signage

CP signage
CP Intertrade, wayfinding signage
Ayuthaya, Thailand [CP Intertrade 公司标识 | 泰国,大城]
"A rice straw blowing in the wind concept" is clearly reflected in the signage design...
A rice straw blowing in the wind CP Intertrade is one of Thailand largest rice exportes and the concept for the new building was set to be the rising rice!
The signage system is a reflection of the rice straw blowing in the wind. The curved signage with the wooden texture reflect exactly that. The rather common used symbols were twisted to that suddenly our well know male and female icons suddenly stretched out and arm to direct the way or put the knees together to show the urgency of getting to the bathroom.
We did the interior corporate concept design as well which can be seen here.
Assistant graphic design by Buke Imote.
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