218 Arc Beijing
Beijing, China [北京方舟 | 中国,北京]
The "egg" in the middle is the new architecture encapsulated by the old factory buildings around.
In an old Beijing bomb factory foresighted entrepreneurs gave birth to the idea of building an entertainment venue gathering shops, artist, creative business, musicians designer etc... ....altogether. Just like Noah collected all the spices in his ark this Ark collected one of each creative spices, so to speak. In the center of the old factory, architect Doug Wright created an 'egg' as the main architectural feature to this exiting new hot spot in town. We were proud to be invited to create the indoor / outdoor interior design!
Design studio Taipan, project carried out as design consultant by Claus Boman with local designers.
Responsibility for Claus Boman/bomancreative:
Creating main interior design concept directions. Project and studio directing.