VIP bowling and entertainment
Worldwide [VIP保龄球休闲中心 | 全球]
Transparent look into the bowling mechansihm is like looking through the glass bonet into a Ferrari engine – you wanna know where the noise comes from!
Creating this exclusive 2-4 lane VIP bowling concept made for hotels, night clubs, cruiser ship we basically redesigned everything, except the shape of the ball and pins themselves. Offering a retro style look with a transparency into the bowl return machine and visual access to the pinsetters in the back you get a real cool insight how the bowling mechanism works – it just like looking into the glass bonnet of a Ferrari sport car to see the engine. As such both the pool table and foosball table is made of glass too.
This venue is build of “pods” with separate function such a bar, restrooms, hall of fame so you can tailor this to any need or function. The layout is made so you always have view over the bowling game or any other activities be it pool, f&b from a raise floor level. You don’t have to be a bowler to be here – there are so many other activities too.
This project is available to be any location worldwide and any equipment supplier – please do contact us for details how to implement in your venue.
Switch International, Teckell, Nottage Design, all suppliers.